Totally blown away! My daughter loves her new custom Mini. It’s her first personally made custom board and it’s incredible! Everything about it is excellent. I can’t say enough about the customer service I received from Jeff in setting up the order. The whole process was smooth and easy. And Art’s board building craftsmanship is impeccable- absolute masterfully built. Thanks so much. You have brought an immense amount of happiness to one young lady and her dad. Forever grateful. Dave

7-10 Mini

I picked up my board Saturday and was able to test it out in PC. There was a fair amount of swell and some wind and chop so conditions were close to what I had in mind with the board design.
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7′- 9″ Quad

Hi. I bought a North Pacific surfboard from the Gorge shop in Portland. Bought a 6’2″ Bug tri off the rack. I’m an older surfer (age 48) but still prefer shortboards. Been riding it in N California at Crescent City, Humbolt, and San Francisco and having a great time. This Bug shape is exactly what I needed! Been looking for a wider shortboard so I could paddle easier but still cut turns like I was 20. It’s fast down the line without much effort. It’s also easy to control even at higher speeds. I’m using JC1 fins. It’s a great shape, don’t change a thing on it. – Surf –

6′-2″ Bug

Art, This… board… is… awesome. Customer for life – Aaron –

8′-10″ Longboard